Explore Solutions

Atoma has spent time developing and refining a uniquely powerful family of software solutions with the flexibility to address the unique architecture of any core banking platform, including interfaces, to enable automated release and test automation.  TARIS⁺ is our one-stop solution to help accelerate your Temenos Implementation, BAU and Upgrade projects.

Automation manager

A dynamic tool tailored for financial software testing within the Temenos ecosystem. Simplifying complex processes, it automates tasks across multiple interfaces, integrates with legacy systems, and orchestrates seamless testing across diverse environments, streamlining efficiency and enhancing reliability.

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TQAF Test Management

Testing Quality Assurance Framework (TQAF) is Atoma’s Test & Defect Management tool.

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Close of Business (CoB) Testing

TARIS⁺ Process Manager helps in staging Close of Business (CoB) & Start of Day operations (SoD) either manually, or integrated with a Test scenario for automated testing.

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Performance Testing

TARIS⁺ can assist clients in deploying high-performance applications, using an integrated set of enterprise-grade performance engineering solutions and dashboards.

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Comparison tool

Efficiently analyze and maintain consistency between two Temenos Transact environments by generating content snapshots based on selected filters, enabling detailed comparisons for seamless system evaluation and management.

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Islamic Banking

Atoma’s automated solution offers an integrated and comprehensive testing approach, helping banks present Shariah-compliant products to customers.

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Model Bank Test Packs

Atoma has produced sets of “off-the-shelf” Model Bank automated test cases to get you up and running quickly and efficiently.

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eLearning Automation

It’s important your staff are well trained in your Temenos core banking solution to unlock the full potential of your investment.

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